Pausing the aging process/ When fillers and Botox are enough and when to consider surgical options

Submited by Kassmd on March 1, 2022

Pausing the aging process When fillers and Botox are enough and when to consider surgical options

Did you know that 93 percent of adults over the age of fifteen have had some facial work? This is because nearly everyone wants to look at their best as they age. However, it’s not always a simple option to obtain cosmetic operations. It can be pretty terrifying to undertake anything invasive and expensive, especially when these things can knock years off your appearance in an instant. You could turn to fillers and Botox or even surgery if needed.

What are Botox and fillers?

Many people see some deterioration in the appearance of their skin as they age. Saggy and wrinkled skin can be a significant source of self-consciousness. Numerous medical compounds are available for injection into the face to disturb the overlying skin and restore some of the young appearances.

Botulinum Toxin (Botox) and Hyaluronic Acid are two examples (HA).

What exactly is Botox? Botox is a neurotoxin that prevents the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from attaching to muscle receptors. By inhibiting this transmitter, the muscle is unable to contract, hence preventing the formation of wrinkles.

Restylane and Juvéderm are two of the most popular hyaluronic acid injectables in the United States. And with justification. These injectables smooth out wrinkles and folds while also providing volume to the lips and other parts of the face that typically lose volume with age. Occasionally referred to as hyaluronic acid fillers, these dermal fillers operate by increasing the amount of water in the skin, temporarily plumping it up.

When Botox and fillers might be enough to achieve desired results

Botox, fillers, and facial plastic surgeries such as facelifts, brow lifts, and eyelid surgery, often known as blepharoplasty, are the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures and surgical modifications currently.

When deciding the best course of treatment for you, it’s critical to keep in mind that not all patients are made equal. So how can you decide if fillers or Botox are sufficient or if you should seek surgery?

The first thing to evaluate is what it is about yourself that troubles you. Is it the lines around your mouth that bother you? Are your eyes very puffy? Do you suffer from under-eye bags? Do you feel as if you’re constantly looking tired?

Second, assess whether your expectations are reasonable. If you have any concerns, initial consultation with a plastic surgeon will help evaluate what will work best for you – in some cases, a combination of fillers and Botox may suffice, while in others, a facelift will be essential.

When surgery may be better than fillers or Botox?

If you’re hoping to turn back the hands of time, the following are some symptoms that you should consider surgery:

  • You’re noticing increased skin laxity. As we age, our skin’s collagen begins to degrade, resulting in more lines and wrinkles. If your skin begins to droop and wrinkle, fillers may not be sufficient treatment.
  • Your sagging chin or neck contributes to the appearance of a double chin or jowls. Regrettably, fillers are unable to raise drooping skin or cure jowls. As a result, to successfully treat these areas, either face or neck lift surgery is required.
  • If you have a receding hairline as a result of male pattern baldness, hair restoration surgery may be your best treatment option.
  • If you have sunspots or any other form of permanent discoloration on your skin (even with exfoliation),

Fillers and Botox are a lifesaver for many people who are battling the ravages of aging. They can be marvels of modern medicine in the proper hands. However, there are situations when these non-surgical techniques are insufficient to eliminate severe aging symptoms from your face, and you may need to consider surgical solutions. The advantages and disadvantages, as well as when you should consider discontinuing fillers and Botox, will vary according to your needs and tastes. However, if you want the greatest results, it’s usually worth examining this alternative first before considering surgery.

For more information please contact Kass Center today!