“The Lost Art of Chemical Peeling: My Fifteen Year Experience with Croton Oil Peel”
We are very proud to share with you a published article by Dr. Kass. This can be found in the journal ‘Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry’.
Key points within the article
- Croton oil peels can peel as deeply as any other means of facial resurfacing and can be used to achieve remarkable results.
- Unlike “phenol” peels, which were originally thought to be “all or nothing,” the croton oil concentration can be varied, allowing different facial areas to be peeled to different depths.
- Croton oil peels result in less down time, less redness, and fewer complications than other techniques for a similar depth achieved.
- Indications for croton oil peels include facial rhytids, uneven pigmentation, adjunct treatment in transconjunctival lower blepharoplasties and festoons, acne scars, and nonmelanoma skin cancer prophylaxis.
- Unlike lasers, croton oil peels can be performed with little cost to the provider.
Click here to read the full article.